The Easy Way To Create Eyes Relax While Staring At Laptops

The Easy Way To Create Eyes Relax While Staring At Laptops

Work and lifestyle often makes the eyes so stressed and tense. Staring at a computer screen for hours is one cause. But there are some habits that turned out to be able to cope with tired eyes.

The eye is one of the senses that have important and valuable function. If someone has experienced this condition then tired eyes will affect the ability of the vision as well as degrade performance.

Tired eyes generally can be caused by many things. For example, environmental factors such as stress at work, home or noisy conditions. Dietary factors, lack of water intake and some vitamins like vitamin B12, D and K, and descent and Physiology, genetic factors.

However there are several easy ways that can be done to overcome the tired eyes, as quoted from ezinearticle, namely:

1. The winking emoticon
Make it a habit to wink. When there is no tension, eyes will blink automatically at least 10-12 times per minute. People who suffer from vision problems usually tend to rarely blinking. As a result, eyes open long and lead to eye strain, dry and tired.

2. eye movement
You can avoid strain on the eyes with moving the eyeball and shift the focus on a regular basis. Too long staring at something--especially the computer screen--could make the ability of the eye to decrease.

3. Breathing Exercises
This is important because 30% of the air we breathe in to give ' feeding ' on the system .... Do the rhythmic breathing. Not only makes the eyes more relaxed, the whole body relaxed as well. Focusing on distant objects, is one way to release tension.

4. Proper Posture
Improper sitting posture is often associated with poor eyesight and tension in some areas of the body such as the neck, shoulders, chest, and face. A proper sitting posture and relaxation in regular can make the circulation of oxygen in the body. See how a proper sitting posture here.
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