Successful Way Of Looking Upon Women

Successful Way Of Looking Upon Women

Women believe that success is able to achieve a balance in career and family life at the same time. It is evidenced in the research of Citi and LinkedIn. Because 95 percent of the 500 women involved are convinced that they are successful if careers, finances, and social relationships running in balance.

As reported by from Live Science, social relations in question is if women have a lover or a husband and son who favored him. Then have enough money to buy what you want. And last was able to raise healthy and happy children.

"The results of this study demonstrate that the definition of success for a woman growing from one thing and branched out into other matters," Frank Linda Descano from Citi.

In the meantime, for careers, 17 percent of women admitted to the success in the world of careers is if you love the job and your boss appreciate them. And 15 percent of women define success in the world of work if their is a boss.

As it says, understanding Descano success in terms of the career changing according to the woman. However the balance of personal life and work, better career opportunities, and develop a network remains the priority of the women.

The study also revealed that the tuition fees and school children, saving for retirement, and a variety of bills is the financial problems of the most feared woman.

Regardless of married life, apparently 36 percent of women were also admitted to not need to marry and have children to succeed. They were quite successful in the world of career and personal needs. How about you?
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