Sports Suitable For Breastfeeding Moms

Sports Suitable For Breastfeeding Moms

Women who give BREAST MILK to eat large servings per day. So that the weight does not soar after childbirth, it's good when you offset with exercise. When's the right time to exercise after childbirth?

"In fact, it can be done as early as possible, where the mother after childbirth need not break per day, but can exercise according to their respective capabilities, don't be too heavy. The purpose of breastfeeding, do not think of lose weight first because it will reduce the production of BREAST MILK, "says Dr. Michael Triangto, SpKO.

During the 40-day period of childbirth or after childbirth, you've been able to do a light workout at home, such as stretching or weight training. After going through this period, the doctor Michael suggested to wear pieces of your heart in weight training. Invite your baby play with her body raised up and then lowered back slowly.

"Can exercise at home or exercise with her baby, for example, want to exercise an arm than using heavy loads it is better to use her baby," explained the man whose hobby streets as well as read it.

You must create the appropriate workout schedule after childbirth to aid in fat burning and muscle toning. If you want to do cardio exercises, streets around the complex were either morning or afternoon for 30 minutes.

After exercising leg muscles, you can continue with aerobic or weight training. Head exercises on chest area, either top, middle, or bottom. Vary with train the muscles of your back and your waist to support the body in order to become erect as well as reducing the pull on the breast.

Wear a light burden, but repeticion (movement) can be a lot of about 10 to 12 times according to your ability. Do regular exercise three to five times a week.

"Two to three times a week only. If the road 30 minutes weight training, as well as 30 minutes. It also includes doing stretching are tailored to the skill level of each person, "said Michael sports doctor, graduate of the Faculty of medicine, University of Indonesia.

However, high intensity exercise may damage the production of breast milk. Like weight training for an hour with a load that is too heavy, running, and jumping, because it can cause disruption of hormonal balance which lowers the production of BREAST MILK.

In addition to hormone disruptions, the man who once worked as a doctor at the Hospital St. Carolus added that if high impact sports can lead to injury. The injury happened because you're still overweight. As for the other things that could harm Your physical.

"Another matter, such as running or jumping will cause breast shaken, if done in a long time will feel pain in the chest due to weight there is BREAST MILK, then it may cause wounds on the nipple area," said Michael at the end of the talks.
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