See TV Impact Shorter Lifespan

See TV Impact Shorter Lifespan

Television has become the objects must exist in every home. In fact, in one House can there be more than one television set to be placed in the room. Television became an interesting media because it offers a variety of entertainment, news, and a variety of other information. Unfortunately, watching television turned out to be able to cut a person's age is slowly. Check out this latest research results!

Silently Truncate The Age

Australia scientists compared the health records of people who are often watching TV and those who did not watch at all. The results showed those who had been more than 25 years, each an hour watching TV will cut the age as much as 10 minutes. This research was conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics and Information, as reported by the Genius Beauty.

Why TV could trim the age of secretly? From the perspective of the scientist, watching television each day produces the same effect as smoking also so more people often eat an excess of time while watching television. Harvard University is currently doing the same research, and most likely on the experts there will draw the same conclusion.

What Should Not Watch TV?

Of course you don't have to refuse to watch TV. The health experts suggest that you put a stationary bike or treadmill in front of the television than a sofa. So you are going to watch television while exercising and not just sit still without movement. To be sure, don't let your day go by with just sitting down watching TV, you can compensate with sports and not unhealthy snacking food while watching.
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