natural ingredients that can help brighten and whiten skin

natural ingredients that can help brighten and whiten skinWhite and bright skin is often touted as the ideal woman. Let alone to face, many women who focus to brighten your face and willing to spend a lot to buy care products.

When using natural materials better and safe to the skin of the face, because the layer of facial skin is thinner, so tend to be more easily irritated skin when using the cream-treatment cream containing chemicals that loudly. Instead, switch to natural treatments. Check out some of the natural ingredients that can help brighten and whiten the skin.

1. Lemon
Lemon contains vitamin C that can brighten the skin. So it's no wonder many hair care products that use lemon as its base. Lemon also makes the skin more free clean, dull and can be black flecks fades. Even if you take care of him every day, within about two weeks, face skin color already seen changes.

Make sure before doing this treatment, you have to wash the face with clean. Start with a cut lemon in half and squeeze lemon into a bowl. Dip a cotton swab in the lemon water, then rub the cotton to the face with a circular move. Preferably, do these treatments at night. Let stand the remaining lemon on the face, without the need to be rinsed and leave it overnight to make the content of percolating on the skin.

2. Yam bean
Use jicama as face masks routinely removes freckles on the face of acne because it contains pachyrhizon, rotenon, vitamin B1 and vitamin c. hereditary, Yam bean mask proved able to brighten the skin. View beauty many manufacturers who use jicama as the main ingredient to whiten skin. In addition to the effective use of masks, Yam bean to whiten the face is quite natural and not harmful.

How To Make Yam Bean Mask :
  •  Peel jicama. Wash clean.
  •  Grated jicama and then squeeze the water. Capacity of water Yam bean in a glass, clear, remove the ampasnya.
  • The Yam bean water let sit for 30 minutes, there will be a white sediment at the bottom of the glass.
  • Waste water sludge-colored nodes at the top, let the milky white color of the sediment at the bottom because that's what will be used.

3. Milk
Milk is one of the natural ingredients that are believed to be able to whiten the skin. Milk has materials that resist blackspot and brighten the skin. Soak or wash their face with milk is rumored to be able to reduce dark spots and improve skin tone.

4. Papaya
The content of the enzyme papain in papaya is believed to be able to help lift the dead skin cells and make room for new skin cells to grow. With his ability, papaya face mask, which can eliminate the black flecks on the face.

To make papaya mask, mix a few pieces of papaya with almond oil to taste. Mash until it becomes a solution such as face masks. Apply to your face and let sit for 15 minutes and then wash with warm water. After you clean your face Pat-Pat with a towel and then apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.
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