5th sign Man Inappropriately Become Your life partner

5th sign Man Inappropriately Become Your life partner
People who are in love, that's lame. However, don't get your logic paralyzed for too long. If you're in a relationship or dating but see points below, think again. Remember ladies, better than a girlfriend pick wrong wrong choosing a husband. Not too late to decide for him.

1. the Over Protective
The guy is destined as the protector, including protecting women. Who would not love to a person protected who loved. But note whether your boyfriend started excessively, You should not be walking with a friend, this should not eat it (but not an allergy and not harmful foods), he was upset not only because you forgot karuan preach is what current (when looking at the salon) and so on. If now she's put it this way, after marrying later, you will get ' tied ' as ' pets '.

2. Spoiled
Cute ... Maybe that's what you think when you see him/her indulge next to you. But look deeper, if he's still hard to solve the problems faced by herself, does she not want to wash her own plate used in the home, whether he was fully responsible for the duties of his Office? All women want a man who's independent and responsible, not spoiled.

3. Slacker
Love is indeed beautiful, but love will not make you fall of rice per day. When having children later, love could not be used to buy diapers, baby food, or pay tuition. The bottom line, you and your partner should both establish a steady financial. Men are lazing works, just waiting for a legacy, "Kan money my parents a lot," and always ask for a guy's not be paid suitable husband.

4. do not respect You
Imagine, You will stay with him for life. Isn't it terrible if you are married to men who do not hesitate You demeaning? Sharpen the ear, whether during the course of this he would often insult or demean You (including friends and family)? Does she ever do physical violence? Does she often underestimate what you are doing? Think again ladies, men who can't respect your presence, including what you already do for him, will torture your future.

5. jealous and Possessive
Jealous love means, we agree. But don't get jealous that burn Your love story, because actually, women want the man believes him. If it comes to your boyfriend spying on everything you do (both in the real world or the virtual world), began to forbid you this was by reason of fear You of infidelity and so on, you should be wary. Especially if jealous blind excuse to insult or physical violence on you.
The marriage was a long journey, you definitely do not want to travel it with the wrong people. Selectively choosing a companion of life it has to be.
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