5 Secrets About women's Health based on

5 Secrets About women's Health based on

A lot of people who believe that women don't get pregnant during their menstrual period. But it turns out that statement is just a mere myth.

In addition to the issues of pregnancy and menstruation, there are actually several other myths about women. Want to know? Refer to the explanation for more information about the myths behind the woman's body as it was offered from Live Science here.

1. Doctors can know the woman was a virgin or not
Despite using magnifiers, doctors actually could not determine accurately whether a woman still a virgin or not. It's been proven through research. Cause tearing of the hymen is not the only characteristic that women already lost virginity.

"Some people think women are torn membranes its blood was no Virgin, but not necessarily," Frank Dr. Rachel Vreeman of the Indiana University.

2. Antibiotics weaken the function of birth control pills
"Many health experts who believe this," said Caroll, Deputy Head of research the author from Indiana University. "Birth control pills did have one percent failure rate in preventing pregnancy. But the effect does not change even though a woman consuming a lot of antibiotics. "

However, rifampin might be one exception. Antibiotics for tuberculosis sufferers are indeed is lowering the hormone of pregnancy prevention protection function that enabled the birth control pills.

3. men and women need the same bedtime
Lack of sleep is really not good for women's health. Because lack of sleep make will increase insulin levels and inflammatory risk for them. It is evidenced in the study from Duke University.

Meanwhile, other studies from the University of Warwick also points to the fact that women who slept less than five hours a day two times greater risk of getting hypertension. While for men, there is no relationship between health conditions with a ration of their sleep.

4. Menoupause turn off the sexual arousal
Change the age is not fully affect the passion on the bed. Because a study proves that sexual habits has not changed much even though most women have experienced menopause. Some of the women in the study even claimed still to fuck several times a month.

Despite this, menopausal women might be a little uncomfortable if have to fuck with the stamina that not aktif first. Does Menopause affect mood, but no effect on anything sexual arousal.

5. Women could not become pregnant during menstruation
At the time of menstruation, women are indeed not being in its exuberance. But that does not mean they are not able to conceive despite making love during menstruation.

In fact, the sperm can actually wait for the egg up to a week. So at the time of menstruation, the sperm is able to ' be patient ' might be lucky and get a chance to penetrate the egg during ovulation.
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