5 reasons the end of romance are different ages

5 reasons the end of romance are different ages

Connect with men much younger or older it's not weird anymore in this modern era. The difference in age range did make the relationship feels more exciting and challenging. However, that does not mean going out with the guy who was linked to far to be safe-secure and free from problems. Many cases relationships run aground due to the significant difference in age, call it a relationship Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore-Yuni Shara-Raffi Ahmad, who ultimately did not succeed. Then what are the causes of relationship romance who was born far rarely been successful? This is the reason.

1. the chat is not Connected

The main thing that becomes a constraint is not off-topic chatter. It is because of you and the he lived in a different era. An example of his musical tastes. You may currently liked music from Korea boy band, whereas the much older that he might prefer to listen to the songs of Frank Sinatra. Indeed these things seem trivial, but if the difference from little things pretty much necessarily ultimately could cause problems.

2. the stages of a different life

"You don't necessarily grow up together," said Lisa Steadman, expert on romance. The psychologist who also wrote the book explains, when you are just starting your career, while your spouse is no longer, it could be difficult.

"Don't expect to be in the same life on everything, it can be difficult," he added.

3. the Opposition of the family

Although the relationship is not always determined by the opinions of others, but nonetheless if family or friends opposed to the relationship would be bad for the tangle of romance. They will probably consider you crazy bad candidates and assess your husband. Of course it becomes complicated, because you have to build a relationship between him/her those closest to You.

4. different purposes

The relationship will be successful if it has the same purpose. It became the deciding factor when establishing relationships of different ages, because of the ambition of the couple is usually different in starting a family and career. If you are married to an older man, probably within the next few years he retired, while You and he recently started a new household or having children. While you still need help with my husband to meet your financial needs.

5. different sex life

The woman will be more passionate at the age of 40, while men are more passionate in their 20 and 30s. "sexual life will be better if the young man married to an older woman. Both are in excellent condition, sexual, of course this will be very exciting, "said Steadman.

It became unprofitable when the relationship instead. When you are in their 20s and a 45-year-old husband then the sex passion will decrease. Especially if you reach age 40 's and si she already aged 65 years, she most likely difficult to satisfy you.
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