4 powerful ways to reduce fat in the abdomen is missing a difficult

4 powerful ways to reduce fat in the abdomen is missing a difficultStomach slim ideals for every woman. However, with a myriad of activities and a lack of exercise, are likely to make the food piled up in the stomach and produces the unpleasant sight in the eye.

Science came up with a new breakthrough address concern stubborn about fat women that exist in the area of the abdomen. Check out the latest tips that can lose a few pounds of body weight and slimming your tummy as excerpted from RedBook site here.

1. Measure waist circumference
Have a belly not only makes you have to hide behind a big clothes but also provide threat ranging from diabetes to heart attacks. BMI or Body Mass Index is a common tool for measuring whether the weight is still in the normal range or excess. But BMI is not a suitable tool for measuring whether Your hip circumference excess or not. Referring to a new research presented at the European Congress of Obesity or the European Congress on Obesity in Lyon, France, sports coach and founder of Asyllym Fitness, Matthew Daniels, said the "BMI does not calculate the muscle mass that exceeds weight of fat."

The magnitude of the ratio of waist to hip ratio more accurately to predict the risk of disease. It is due to the location where you have the most fat is more important than the overall amount of fat in the body. Comparison of the ratio of women serving plate up to his hip 0.08 have a higher risk of have a health problem.

2. Eat ' fat ' to eliminate fat
To increase the body's metabolism, high-fat diet better than low-fat diets, as long as you eat on time. A researcher from the University of Jerusalem recently found that a diet high in fats are scheduled properly will burn fat stored in the abdomen area. Why is this so? "As well as using money to make money, as well as fat, the fat is needed to burn fat," said Daniels.

Daniel suggests, eat fat in strategic times such as when the morning before exercise to help burn calories. That step is useful because these fats are turned into energy that is used to burning fat in the body. Try it with eating apples and peanut butter for breakfast in the morning or add avocado as a toping salad when lunch.

3. the type of fat in the abdomen is also becoming a problem
Bring the ' overload ' in the middle of the body makes you risk exposed to the attack of Diabetes type 2. But the good news is, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, this all depends on the type of fat you have on your stomach. Researchers use sensor MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) and found that obese people with fat viceral (fat around the organs) is more exposed to the risk of diabetes compared with those in her body more subcutaneous fat (FAT under the skin).

To find out what type of fat in the abdominal area which is a lot, you can ask the help of a doctor. They can recommend the lifestyle what's most appropriate to prevent the arrival of dangerous diseases.

4. improve the immune system in order to burn fat by itself
The immune system come into play in making the waist circumference became smaller. Referring to the recent study about immunity, have more of certain immune system cells in the body can help fat burning, increases metabolism to suppress hunger. The cells of this defense works by accelerating the metabolism to help eliminate inflammation in adipose tissue (fat in the abdomen that is dangerous). One of the ways to increase natural defense cells this is by reducing the number of kilograms of weight.
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