10 Attitudes to reduce the risk of heart disease and stress

10 Attitudes to reduce the risk of heart disease and stress


But did you know, forgive a mistake can also cope with stress and reduce the risk of heart disease? Research at the Stanford finding, in a study of 256 people who received training regarding the attitude of forgiving, 70% of them experienced a decrease in feelings of hurt, 27% have reduced the physical symptoms of stress, and 15% have lower emotional distress.

In addition to forgiving, there is another way that you can do in order to load your mind is reduced. Check out 10 ways to reduce the stress that is excerpted from Prevention International.

1. always Optimistic
The phrase ' people are optimistic longer life than those who are pessimistic ', it seems true. Based on 30 years of research on 1,100 people, found that men and women between the ages of 65 to 85 years, 77% of those who have heart disease risk are optimistic that lower than people who are pessimistic.

2. look for Other Activities
Your boss is always give heaps of jobs every day, could make the risk of stress hormones rise. Stress that this go on gradually will increase the chances of getting heart disease and even diabetes (based on a study of 10,000 civil servants in the United Kingdom). For it to give your brain a little relaxation by doing other activities outside of work every week.

3. music
The researchers found that classical music, the effect is very good for lowering your stress levels. Music with a tempo of 60 beats per minute generating activity of alpha brain waves are high, this same condition found when you do the relaxation and meditation.

4. Healthy Diet
Want to have the body of a skinny model? Think again! A study sponsored by the national institutes of health, showed that people who consistently lose weight extreme without sufficient protein consumption, can increase the risk of heart disease. This occurs as a result of low levels of HDL or good cholesterol.

5. take control
Sometimes a thing that already planned could walk not according to plan. When this happens, stress hormones will increase. Find out the source of your stress and promptly fix it so as not to drag on.

6. reduce Alcohol
"Some people use alcohol to relieve stress, but it is a double-edged sword that will most likely lead to dependence," said Joann Manson, MD, DrPH, Chief of the Division of Preventive Medicine at Brigham. Excess alcohol consumption can increase levels of triglycerides, or fats in the blood that trigger blood pressure and heart failure.

7. Tai Chi exercise
Tai Chi is a type of martial art that originated in China. In contrast to other types of martial arts, Tai Chi is precisely accentuate elements of tenderness and cultivate your breathing. Studies find Tai Chi exercises, can lower cortisol levels and improves the mood just as they were walking as far as 6 miles per hour.

8. Laugh
Researchers at Loma Linda University Medical Center have found that humor sparked similar physiological response as when you exercise. Laughing increases endorphins and neurotransmitters, which can lower the levels of stress hormones, and activate T-cells, which are able to fight off the virus.

9. do not get carried away the emotions
A study published in 2005 in the New England Journal of Medicine stated, women have heart attacks that are prone to sudden stress. High emotional level will lead to an increase in stress hormones and for a few moments can weaken the heart muscle.

10. Meditate
In a study in Canada of 90 patients, those who meditate in a group for 7 weeks, have a lower risk of mood disorders such as stress, depression, anxiety, and anger from other groups who did not meditate. So take approximately 20-30 minutes to do meditation, or take a yoga class.
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