Make Lashes Look Prettier

Make Lashes Look Prettier

One part of what makes the eyes look beautiful is lashes. Eyelashes long and tapering will certainly make the eyes look more beautiful. But the eyelashes should be treated every day to make it look pretty. As to what to do? Check out the tips given by Times of India (06/11).

1. the treatment before going to bed
Easy eyelashes fall out when it is too dry. That loss does not occur, make sure you clean all the makeup on the eyelashes before you go to bed. Also use petroleum jelly on a little cotton and apply gently on the eyelashes. For those long eyelashes and gorgeous, you could give castor oil before going to bed.

2. the curved eyelashes
So beautifully curved eyelashes, Eyelash curler before use wear mascara. Eyelash curler will make a natural curved eyelashes and mascara doesn't make it to clot.

3. layers of eyelashes
Make sure you coat the top and bottom lashes. Begin by coating the eyelashes with powder. This will help when you're wearing mascara. Do not hold the appliance mascara for too long. Shake - rocking a bit, and then do the top and bottom.

That's three tips that you can use to make lashes look more beautiful. Good luck!
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