How To Overcome The Problematic Tummy Right When Menstruation

How To Overcome The Problematic Tummy Right When Menstruation

During the menstrual cycle, our body will experience some changes, between appetite down or even gain, back pain, chills, and the most frequent is pain or stomach cramps.

Abdominal pain that occurs when menstruation is often disruptive activity, and make us feel uncomfortable. In order not to interfere with abdominal pain, here are 5 things you can do.
  • Pay Attention To Food Intake
Consuming foods with a high fiber content is highly recommended when you're approaching the date of the menses. The Mayo Clinic wrote that consuming foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin B1 and vitamin B6 will reduce pain and cramping that often occurs during menstruation.
  • Warm Water Compress
If pain come, lie down on the bed or sofa. Compress your stomach with warm water. The compress can loosen stiff muscles and gives a sense of comfort on the body. Don't forget the rest and sleep during menstruation.
  • Stay Away From Coffee First
Like eating coffee every day? We recommend that you stay away from first drinks here during your menstruation. Caffeine will aggravate cramping you are experiencing and make the body uncomfortable. So steer clear of coffee while will really help prevent cramps.
  • Don't Be Silent
There are no restrictions for actively moving or sports during the period of menstruation. You can still perform a variety of activities. The more you move, the body will escape from the stress and reducing pain. Do mild exercise, such as jogging, gymnastics and so on.
  • Drink Enough Water
Keep the fluid intake would be sure when menstruating. Don't forget to drink enough water, consumption is also fresh fruit juices that you made yourself to fullfill the needs of fibre. But remember, ladies, avoid high-sugar drinks used to be like a soft drink or juice. Always bring a bottle of water so you don't dehydrate.
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