Five-S method to reduce weight

Five-S method to reduce weightMany people choose to ride a bike or drive a motor current will be heading somewhere. In addition to a lazy walk, probably many of them are not aware of the health benefits when on foot.

If you are doing a weight loss program, try this one sport. Dr. Nadkarni, an orthopedic surgeon recommending most of the patients who want to lose weight the way walk. "Walking is an exercise that is relatively safe and fun. Walking can also effectively lose weight, "he said as quoted from iDiva.

In addition, a radiovaskular is a very good practice, can make the heart and lungs work more efficiently. It can prevent osteoporosis and helps improve your bone health. Walking is also a great way to drive away the stress.

To run into an effective exercise to lose weight, one should stick to the formula of 5S.

Stretch (Stretch Your Muscles)
Stretch your muscles before and after running. Muscle like quads, calf muscles, hamstrings should be pliable while walking. Stretching is good with the ' Vertical ' Yoga that can help stretch Your muscles during walking. Vertical Yoga is one type of yoga postures with standing position, which can be done before or after the walk.

Strengthen (Strengthen)
Strengthen Your calf muscles by doing weight training. This can prevent injury while walking. Do exercises like putting weight on the heel, the quarter squat, lunges and movement. Strong muscles can also prevent the degeneration of the joints.

Speed (Walking Speed)
Optimum speeds when they run is required to reduce weight. A lot of people who didn't manage to lose weight while walking because they were wrong to apply the techniques progressed.

If you want to lose weight, walking quickly with the right intensity, not just walk away. If you begin to feel tired, do not imposed, subtract the speed of light while walking.

Style (Gait)
Gait is important to sport done more efficiently and injury free while stepping. ' The truth is when the heel hits the ground, followed by the other foot before foot before leaving the ground. The body should be straight without bends and arms should swing along with your steps.

Shoes (sport Shoes)
Shoes are important indicators that must be observed to avoid injuries during walking. Good shoes is a shoe that is comfortable when used as a workout and do not cause injury to the knee or back problems. Please choose a type of shoe designed especially for pedestrians.
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