Boost employee productivity With listening to music

Boost employee productivity With listening to music

If the previous photo funny animals that can improve the performance of the work, the music turns out to also have an impact. The heavy work will feel lighter and relaxed to do when we do it while accompanied by the melodious strains of traditional music. Why is this so?

Excerpted from the Times of India, Professor Ravi Mehta, a researcher from India says that music has the power that can help improve the performance of the brain, as well as creativity. "The music or the sound of conversation around better in invented the creativity in work compared the atmosphere of silence and silent," he said.

Although the work was accompanied by the strains of music, not that you can turn on the radio, or a CD track with the tone. The noise level is ideal for work which is around 70 decibels or sound like a car that is running. "This is a ' Goldilocks principle '," added Ravi from the University of Illinois.

This is due to the brain to produce information in response to a noise he received. However, only sound with noise is the power that can make the work of the brain to function optimally. Not too noisy sound.

The car is running produce sounds of 70 decibels, while the sounds are produced from bad mood produce sounds of 85 decibels. The Horn of the vehicle amounted to 110 decibels, and the conversation when people are eating by 60 decibels.

"The sound Levels are not only creating brain creativity in solving problems, but can also generate innovative works. The best sound revolves around 70 decibels, if larger than it will only interfere with the performance of the brain, "he said.

The sound Level of the music can get employees to think out of the box and enhance creativity. Whereas if You hear a voice which was too noisy, it will only result in disturbance in the thought process. So according to Ravi, working at the Cafe would be much more effective than working at home the silence. Songs and frenzied atmosphere of the Cafe will help the brain to think more clearly and generate creative ideas.
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