5 Power drink after a workout Stamina

5 Power drink after a workout Stamina

While lack of fluid, the body will feel limp and exhausted. This condition generally occurs after fitness, sports, many think or filled with jobs that drain your mind and energy. When the body feels uninspired, a quick way to restore the energy usually by drinking energy drinks.

These drinks are generally packaged in the form of bottles, effervescent or powder in sachets. Energy drinks can indeed improve the instant energy, but high in calories, sugar, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring and caffeine is not good for the health of the body. Moreover, if taken continuously and excessively. Therefore, replace it with healthier drinks. Many drinks which effectively increase energy yet still safe to consume. These five are, as quoted from Time Gal.

1. white water
The content of caffeine in energy drinks work as a diuretic; trigger a craving to urinate more often. As a result, the body will experience dehydration. This condition can cause the body's lethargic and tired. Rather than energy drinks, better expand drinking water white to help you more awake and energized throughout the day.

2. Green tea
Green tea also drinks that contain caffeine, but in small quantities; not as many energy drinks or coffee. Caffeine in green tea can give additional power when needed. In addition, green tea is also healthier because there are not many experienced the process of processing. Drinks can be served warm or cold it is also a source of natural antioxidants that help prevent cancer, heart disease and neurological.

3. Beetroot Juice
For those unfamiliar, beetroot juice drink it will probably feel a bit weird. But the drink is very good to replace the fluid that is lost due to the large number of activities. Red Beetroot is a good source of nitrate. Nitrate is a substance that is proven to increase energy and effort.

4. chocolate milk
The fastest way to restore power and practical at the same time the glut the belly is chocolate milk. This drink contains carbohydrate for the establishment of energy quickly, as well as protein to energy in the body. Chocolate milk also contains little caffeine which make the body more fresh and vibrant.

5. Lemon water
Lemons are rich in vitamin C that acts as an antioxidant and improves body endurance. Juice of half a lemon into a glass of warm water, can conduct electrical energy ', ' which keeps the body fresher and more eyes ' literacy '. It is best drunk after waking when the stomach is still empty.
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