White's facial peels with yogurt

White's facial peels with yogurt

In addition to nourish the digestive tract, milk and yogurt have other benefits, that is, to maintain the beauty of the skin of the body. How do you do?

1. to make yogurt/milk scrub
Powdered milk contains lactic acid that makes the skin feel soft and smooth. Any protein content of nourishing your skin and makes the skin more moist and chewy.

Make milk scrub by mixing milk powder and liquid milk or yogurt with walnuts that have pounded rough. Rub this mixture into the skin with a circular motion, especially in the area of skin that is darker in colour tend to like the underarms, heel area, and the groin. The rest of the dirt and dead skin will fall with the rest of the scrub.

2. Massaging
To launch the blood circulation, over olive oil enriched with rose essential to provide relaxation and relieves muscle tension and stress. Massage all over your body experiencing fatigue and tension.

3. milk bath
Cleopatra was famous for her beauty and elegance. He applied the milk as one of the treatment for the skin and is very useful to nourish and cleanse the skin over the years.

To make your skin healthier, use of fats and vitamins naturally found in milk. A simple way to experience a spa treatment at home is with a milk bath. Sprinkle powdered milk into warm water in the tub, add the Roses as well as essential oils to add a scent. Soak the body in breast milk can brighten dull skin and makes the skin becomes softer.

4. moisten the skin with the body lotion bengkoang
After you have finished bathing apply a body lotion that contain bengkoang to clean skin is becoming increasingly smooth and white.
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