8 practical ways to a healthy long life

8 practical ways to a healthy long life

As it turns out, is not only an Apple every day that can keep us from the doctor. Laugh, drink tea, or hand in hand with my husband, it could make the immune system working well. Plus, it makes the brain work more nimble.

1. laugh (launched the blood circulation up to 21 percent)
Know why laughing can make us Ageless? Because when laughing, blood flow becomes more smoothly over the past 24 hours. It is known from research conducted by the University of Texas, who observed the body's reaction when the respondents were asked to watch a movie comedy. As a result, the blood circulation 1/5 times more smoothly, even after the film finished comedy watchable.

The next day, when the respondents were asked to watch a movie that is as serious as a documentary film, blood vessels stiffen. This makes the flow obstructed up to 18 per cent, and if allowed to continue to be at risk of having high blood pressure.

"When we feel happy, the body releases chemicals that make us feel calm. This turns out to provide many benefits to the body, including the blood vessels more relaxed work, "said David Katz, MD, Director of the Prevention Research Center of Yale University School of Medicine.

2. brushing and flossing (pressing the risk of brain cancer and esophagus by up to 400 per cent)
' Take the teeth properly. Because when we put a real smile, not just rows of white teeth which will give meaning. According to a study for the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York, whiter teeth also describes minor chances for us to experience gingivitis, brain cancer, and cancer of the esophagus. Having white teeth, means having a healthy gums. This all can be realized if we are diligent about brushing and flossing, so there was no opportunity for the formation of dental plaque.

3. Enjoy a cup of tea every day (suppresses the risk of stroke by up to 21 percent)
Seruputan warm from a cup of tea that we enjoy, according to research by the UCLA School of Medicine, is a form of self-protection from the dangers of stroke. The study was done by observing the 9 studies involving almost 200 thousand people, where 4,400 of them had a stroke.

The results of his observations was, those who drank tea at least 3 cups a day will be spared from the risk of stroke by up to 20 percent, when compared with people who enjoy a cup of tea a day only. Inside there are tea Camellia sinensis which is a kind of super antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and the amino acid theanine, which is indeed functioning protect blood vessels.

4. Express feelings sincerely (triggering a sense of happy 20 percent)
Kent State University conducted a study unique. They watched, pupils who are more eskpresif to his friend turns out to be more happy and lucky. As for the way they express their feelings is to write a thank-you on a piece of paper.

A similar case is also found in similar research, i.e. when the respondent writes his feelings with passion, turned out to be more powerful kekebalannya system. Not only that, the lungs and the liver also became better. So when expressing the feeling, they feel more to enjoy life and trigger the production of hormones that make relaxation the body becomes lighter.

"But remember, it all has to do with passion," said Assistant Professor who is also involved in the study, Steven Toepfer, PhD. Toeofer suggest, that we occasionally take themselves for sending SMS or email it to friends or family, containing about how lucky we are to have them.

5. hand in hand with husband (pressing stress of up to 200 per cent)
When we established the fingers with husband and cuddle, according to research published in the American Psychosomatic Society, will easily remove the fear, panic and stress that envelops the mind. The conclusion obtained after observing the respondents were divided in two groups.

The two groups were asked to tell you the experience that makes them feel very stressed, and measured the heartbeat after telling stories. Then the two groups were treated differently. The first group, after telling me are requested to hand in hand with her husband. While the second group, it doesn't do anything. As a result, the second group still panics because his heart still skipped even though story-telling sessions have passed. Even their heart beat twice as fast, when aware of the husband was not trying to calm her down.

6. Do gentle yoga movements (preventing back pain up to 56 percent)
Routinely doing yoga will significantly make us far from the sense of pain, according to the study which was done West Virginia University. In this study, researchers asked 45 respondents about the pain they are feeling. After that they were asked to do yoga during 90 minutes, twice a week, for six bul
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