6 combination of foods that give you an advantage

6 combination of foods that give you an advantageAlmost all foods contain good benefits for the body. In fact, there are foods that are increasingly useful when combined with other foods. For example, there's a reason why goat Satay or tenderloin steak good if accompanied with a drink of orange juice or a squeeze of lime. You want to know?

Coffee and sugar
Many say that the benefits of coffee will be more pronounced if it is drunk without sugar. However, according to a study published in the journal Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental, if you drink coffee, sugar is added to an area of the brain associated with attention to work more efficiently than if the coffee is drunk without sugar. As a result, you can work more productively. If you're not a coffee drinker, try drinking green tea with honey.

Fish and turmeric
Curcumin (turmeric, saffron on components) and DHA (omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, or bloating) are able to protect the body from certain types of cancer, and prevents the cancer cells multiply. The combination of fish and turmeric will be better able to slow the growth of tumors and the spread of this type of breast cancer cells than if the compound interacts with cancer cells separately, according to the study from BMC Center in 2011. According to researchers, DHA helps cells to make use of Saffron (see recipe: Fish Cooks Tumeric, Pepes Mackerel, Sardines, sardines Pepes Mushroom Roast vegetables, Sauteed Salmon Egg Wraps).

Whole grain with garlic or shallots
According to the study, adding the onions sauteed to a menu that contains whole grain can make this menu so much healthier. Therefore, this combination can help improve the absorption of iron and zinc, a mineral that is more easily absorbed from animal source, according to the study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Iron helps spread the oxygen to the cells, while zinc is necessary for the body's immunity and heal wounds. Sulfur compounds are estimated, at bawanglah which helps the process of absorption.

Nuts and green vegetables
Legumes (such as beans, lentils, peas, or soy beans) contain iron, while green vegetables contain vitamin c. When both are consumed at the same time, vitamin C on green vegetables help turn iron on nuts to be more easily absorbed by the body. This combination is particularly effective when you are consuming a hard iron absorbed, which is commonly found in vegetable sources, such as tofu, spinach, currants, and cereals that are iron content. Some sources of vitamin c. citrus fruits is, kol, red pepper, celery, and papaya.

Tomatoes and olive oil
Olive oil contain good fats and high in antioxidants, that if added to the fruits or vegetables can help you absorb some of the fitonutrisi better. The journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine revealed that tomatoes are consumed with sunflower seed oil or olive oil, increased levels of likopen in a week. Likopen is the compound that gives red colour in tomatoes, red peppers, and watermelon. The compound is believed to be capable of reducing the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, and lung.

Meat and vitamin C
Red meat, fish, or poultry, contain iron which required the cells of the body to transform food into energy at the energy molecule used by cells of the body. According to Pamela Hinton, PhD, in his article in Health & Fitness Journal, we should combine the meat menu with foods rich in vitamin C such as oranges. Because, this alloy will increase the amount of iron that is absorbed by the body. So when you're enjoying a steak or tenderloin Satay kambing, order also orange squeeze.
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