The cause of Warming is very important for health before exercising

The cause of Warming is very important for health before exercising

Many people often forget the warm-up before exercise because of various reasons. But by doing a warm-up before exercise, many benefits can we get.

For example, to make the body more superfine, avoiding an accident while exercising, and maximum concentration. Check out other reasons, as quoted from Boldsky below.

1. Kill Sloth and inertia of the Substances that are harmful to the body
Based on physical science, body and objects have the properties of inertia, the tendency of all physical objects to reject changes to the motion. When will start to exercise, the body in a State of ' sleep ' and doesn't want to move. Therefore, before warming required to ' wake up ' the body before doing the work.

2. Improve the circulation of blood
After sleeping for 8 hours a day or when sitting in an Office all day, blood circulation in the body running smoothly. Thus, the warm-up in order to help the heart pump blood smoothly to the rest of the body.

3. increasing the flexibility
The muscles will be tightening when not driven. Especially when waking up, the body will feel stiff and tense. When you want to exercise, the body must be in a State of ' flexible ' at its best. Therefore, warming up helps the body back is flexible so that it can do sports to the maximum.

4. prevent the occurrence of an accident in a workout
Before doing any weight training, don't forget to do warm up appropriately. Due to lack of warming up before exercise load, will result in injury to the muscles, for example uric wedge or sprains.

5. Raise the adrenaline
When doing physical activity, the body releases a hormone called adrenaline. Adrenaline increases body temperature and makes us sweat. When you experience the adrenaline rush or enhancement energy suddenly, it would be much more difficult for you to work out. Therefore the heating is required before exercise to help the body hormones pumping adrenaline smoothly.

6. more focused
Other than for the reasons already mentioned, the warming has an important role because it helps You focus on exercise. The mind governs the body work in order to be balanced. Thus, prior to the exercise You need to do to keep warming the mind can focus and concentrate to a maximum.
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