Old added more beautiful, this secret

old added more beautiful,  this secret

Identical to the old skin starts sagging, shrunk from, and it's no longer fresh. In other words, we're hard to look attractive as a youth. Hmm, says who?

According to psychologist Ruth Ibrahim, was mistaken if we just assume pretty synonymous with youth. Especially if it involves only the question of mere physical. As you get older, it doesn't mean we can't look beautiful again. Every age has its own character and her beauty.

After all, beauty is not merely measured from the physical, but also from the heart and mind. If we are already old term amen no longer pretty, it's good to follow four instructions. Thus, we can add to our gorgeous savings right now!

1. pay attention to the entire face and body and then contemplate what we see
According to Lora Park, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo, how this could make us aware that we have the characteristic and advantages of its own.

2. Think positive and balanced
Vivian Diller, psychologist from New York City, recommends that we should eliminate the perfectionist mindset. As it turns out, this trend could affect badly on yourself.

3. Ignore any scorn, ridicule, or even joking about our physical appearance
For example, when childhood used to be. According to Diller, physical appearance is merely supporting, but it isn't everything.

4. Stop gossiping about the vices or shortcomings of others
Did you know, it turned out to be a reciprocal effect. "Gossiping will make us anxious in case we also romantically by someone else. The result, so the trigger why we became less confident, "said Park.
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