Tips To Take Care Of Dry Skin Due To The Rainy Season

Tips To Take Care Of Dry Skin Due To The Rainy Season

The rainy season has an effect on the air becomes cold. The weather makes the skin drier. Of course, when the skin is dry, the Saint seem dull, rough and flaky skin, even when carded will leave white line.

However, leather is an asset that must be preserved because it can support your overall appearance. Skin problems such as dry skin is one of the things often happen to anyone. Then, how do I overcome dry skin to keep it soft and healthy when the rainy season? The following tips can you blackouts like the one quoted All Women Stalk.

1. a natural moisturizer
Dry skin is usually sensitive and the rainy season tends to be getting worse. All you need now is the care of the body. For those of you who have dry skin, avoid creams or lotions containing mineral oil and other petroleum products. Creams and skin care products are derived from hypoallergenic materials (or make up which do not cause allergies) natural is the correct choice for dry skin.

Every morning when you are finished showering, apply to the entire body of pure coconut oil or cocoa butter. All it contains nourishing natural ingredients, such as essential oil, Vitamin A, C, D, and E, and protein. Natural creams and lotions are extremely beneficial for dry skin. Besides being able to cope with dry skin, natural oils are also effectively moisturize and protect the skin from aging.

2. facial treatments
If your facial skin is dry, try not to wash it with tap water. Tap water often contains chlorine, fluoride, and chemicals that are not good for the skin, which in fact makes the skin so it's getting dry. Use cold water or water mixed with ice.

The cold water will help slow down the peeling process. When will dry up, we recommend that you menepuknya with a towel, slowly and avoid harsh rubbing. By rubbing the skin, You will speed up the peeling process.

3. facial cleansers from natural materials
You can also clean the face with using lotion cleanser is free of alcohol, toner or milk facial cleanser made from natural ingredients. Facial cleansers that contain natural ingredients can refresh dry skin without causing irritation, and maintaining the balance of Your facial skin moisture. Toner and milk effectively removes dirt and makeup every day, brighten, improve the pores and makes the skin becomes clean and soft.

4. combine the natural oils in the food
Dry skin causes itchiness. Never scratch it! Just apply coconut oil on the itching a few times. Coconut oil can help you avoid irritation. Dry skin is also prone to eczema and other skin diseases. A good precaution is to add the natural oils in your dinner menu. The natural oils in the butter you can find organic, raw, cod liver oil, Omega 3 eggs, coconut oil, and fresh fish.

5. Still Use Sunblock
Although the rainy season does not mean there is no sunlight. For that you should be using sunblock. The sunscreen Lotion will keep your skin from sun exposure and skin moisturizing.
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