Saving Tips Easy Pedicure at home

Saving Tips Easy Pedicure at home
The foot is the part that is often missed in the treatment. When the feet are clean can enhance your appearance, especially when using the peep-toe model shoes or slippers.

If the bustle of the stacking makes you lazy to travel to do nail care walk weekend, just follow the tips save money and easy pedicure at home here, as quoted from the Times of India. The equipment you'll need enough cotton, nail clippers, Nail Polish, cuticle cream, miser nail, foot scrub and moisturizer.

The First Step:
You need to trim and shape your nails. Remove old nail polish with acetone or nail polish, cleaner and cut your nails to tidy. Make sure to cut it straight and did not cut the corner too much, as this can cause ingrown nails and painful. Use a nail file to create the desired shape.

The Second Step:
Soak your feet in warm water that has been mixed with a special SOAP for feet. You can also add a few drops of essential oils to help relaxing. Add smooth pebbles into the water. This will give you a massage gently as you soak away. Do for 15-20 minutes. Then, dry it with a towel.

The Third Step:
Next is the peeling. Once you're done soaking Your feet, dry feet and apply cuticle cream to taste at the base of each toe nail. Leave for a few minutes. Meanwhile, rub the leg can clear all dry skin cells and die. Do not scrape too hard. Then, clean the cuticle cream gently.

Step Four:
After you are done washing the feet, rubbing the back of your legs and apply moisturizers that help soften, moisturize the skin and protect it from the rift. Then pijatlah away on a regular basis, in order to improve blood circulation and to nourish the skin and muscles of the feet.

The Last Step:
Now your nails ready for adorned with nail polish. Use a base coat every time will apply the nail polish. The Base coat is nail vitamins that will protect your nails from Nail Polish and strengthen it. Wait for it to dry, and then apply the polluted water bodies in accordance with your favorite colors. Let it dry completely before applying the next layer. This will make Your Nail Polish last longer.
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