Financial Tips to Know The newly weds

Financial Tips to Know The newly weds
For newlyweds, managing household finances is not easy. Lack of experience and old habits often become obstacles. Therefore, check out some tips to save expenditures in households, as quoted from eHow.

1. make a note of personal Expenses
Make a note of this like a personal journal. Write the things which you have purchased during this month. At the end of the month, you can merekap the notes. It could also be a note of introspection when you buy something that goes beyond the budget.

2. use the envelope Method
If fear of money you hold will be used for things that are less important, consider using an envelope to keep it. Write usability money in envelopes, for example, pays a monthly electricity, shopping needs, school children and so on. Separate each amplopnya so main expenditures not dormant. The rest you can use for day trips or saving.

3. Sort-select Expenditures
Income you and your spouse does not match the expenditure? This is the time to trim expenses by choosing a scale of priorities. For example if you usually have a schedule of dinner at a fancy restaurant in two weeks, trying to change into one month.

4. the lifestyle
If Your regular single nge-on-site gym, facials two weeks once in the salon and so on, should reduce such activities. Instead, you can do the exercise by jogging with family or buy a DVD aerobic and do it yourself at home. It's worth also for investment tools such as treadmill workouts. This spending will be much less than paying for gym membership.
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