Tips On Food Consumption And The Exact Time After Activity

Tips On Food Consumption And The Exact Time After Activity
Time is the important thing in any planning, including regulating hours of eating. This is because the body needs proper nutrition to use activity. Different time of activity, others foods that should be consumed. Setting the clock to eat is very important so that human activities can be optimally.

Why Should Eat On Time?
The food that we consume give different hormone reactions in the body. For example, the reaction that affects mood, concentration and awareness, energy, and so on. So, in addition to knowing what to eat, it is important for us to know when the time is right for consume. Here are tips on timing and what food should be consumed to fill the days and activities, was quoted as saying of the Livestrong.

1. After physical exercise/sports
After exercise, the muscles work hard and suffer a decrease in stamina. Therefore, the body needs proper nutrition in order to recover and become stronger.

"Consume snack with carbohydrates and protein ratios 2: 1 after exercise with mild to moderate intensity. Comparison of protein and carbohydrate-3: 1 after high intensity exercise, "said Andrea Thompson of Hacker ACSM Fit Society Page.

CARB will replenish reserves of glycogen (storage of glucose provides energy reserves), and protein to rebuild muscle. Eat after 30 minutes up to 1 hour after exercise, because at that time the body absorb nutrients optimally. Drink a glass of chocolate milk or eat whole wheat bread stuffing with symmetric cheese or eggs.

2. After a long Meeting
If you are drowsy after passing the slide presentation featuring hundreds of pages, a few grains of eating almonds. According to Lauren O'Connor, RD of Nutri-Savvy, almonds contain vegetable fats are good with a little protein content. Based on the research which was published in the journal Neuron, a protein useful to enable a cell that can help keep the awareness and the process of burning calories.

CARB whole wheat which is equivalent to that contained in the almonds also contain glucose that helps the brain works. While protein content helps memory so that vital information in a meeting can remember well. In addition, the protein is rich in the amino acid tyrosine, hormones that are required in the energy intake of the brain as well as help you more awake (1 ounce of almonds contains 125 mg of tyrosine).

3. After conducting Long Activity
After doing a lot of activities that Deplete energy, you must replace the ions is wasted due to the large amount of sweat that is issued. "Food and drink consumed must be high in carbohydrates and vitamins and protein levels lower than protein to replace the intake has been wasted," explains Shari Portnoy, dieticians and fitness coach.

Preferably give vitamins and carbohydrates in the form of liquid. Because liquids are more easily absorbed by the body than food in the form of solid or solid. You can make smoothies mix bananas and apples or vegetable juices.

4. After staying up
If the body is less rest or lack of sleep, not just the mood or feeling alone are affected. According to the results of research carried out by researchers at UCLA, lack of sleep can increase ghrelin and decreases the levels of leptin in the body that will lead to increased appetite.

To resolve it, start the morning with breakfast foods that contain protein. Try eating 25 grams of beans which will keep you full longer. You can also consume yogurt with bananas, apples or strawberries.

5. after a party the night away
To overcome the hangover when you wake up in the morning because of taking alcohol the evening, over a glass of tomato juice can help replace the moisture and electrolytes that are lost. So is the fruit of the pear.

"Fruit of the pear can relieve the nausea that was abandoned after consuming alcohol," explained Erin Palinski, author of the Forthcoming Book, ' The Belly Fat Diet for Dummies '.
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